Parkchester Residential Community in the Bronx
...To all with interest in the Parkchester (Bronx, New York) community. The InsideParkchester Directory (Guide) is for you. Its primary goal: to provide valuable information, news, and resources you could use to take full advantage of all this vibrant section of the Bronx has to offer. Who can benefit from The InsideParkchester Directory? That list easily includes current and prospective residents of the area; visitors to the area; small & major business owners in the area; real estate specialists looking to buy and sell in the area; and private property owners looking to sell and buy in the area. You can also use this directory to connect with like-minded folks who visit, live, work, and play in Parkchester.
DIRECTORY: To quickly pinpoint the information you need use the links on the righthand sidebar titled "Directory -- Find Your Interest Quickly!!!" Thanks.
Also, look for clickable links this color (this one isn't clickable) on posts to expedite your searches. Finally, here are some examples of the types of information you can find using The InsideParkchester Directory:
-- Apply online for a Parkchester, Bronx apartment or condo.-- Post homes & other properties YOU are selling or seeking to buy/rent.
-- Find properties for rent/sale in & around Parkchester.
-- Find out about schools inside Parkchester, Bronx, NY.
-- Find out about restaurants and other stores in the area.
-- Promote your business inside the Parkchester community.
-- Discuss issues through use of forums and a chatroom.
-- ETC., ETC.
Additional Notes -- The InsideParkchester Directory links to The Parkchester Information Network which is one of the fastest growing and highly regarded websites on the internet covering the Parkchester, Bronx community --- Also, please note "residents" of parkchester include BOTH residents of Parkchester apartment/condominium complex AND residents of apartments & private homes in the immediate surrounding area. (see link label in directory's list labeled "Private Homes in Parkchester").